Chapter 6 looks different – why is that?
This comic was made possible by the aid of the entire class of Comic’s and Sequential art at HDK of Gothenburg University, and got further developed as part of a Master in Visual Communication at KONSTFACK University of Arts, Craft and Design. During the first year of my master, my visual storytelling narrative took a surprising turn and unfortunately the comic itself was affected.
Updates has, as you may have noticed, stopped since August 2020. Yet you, dear readers, have continued to visit the site. Nearly hundreds of you as I write this. I am honoured and thankful.
The comic will not stop, it simply entered a cocoon phase and when I revisited it, it no longer made sense to keep the current format. Chapter 6 is therefore under reconstruction and got re-updated with a new format from Tuesday June 22nd.

It took me a long time to be able to find the drawing time to finish this chapter. So the last updates didn’t come until 2023. But hey, I think 6 chapters and a movie is a kind of cool bundle of work.
Oh yeah, did I mention that we made a movie? There’s now a short film based on the characters and story of Quiet Crowd. It was a wonderful experience to see actors make my characters in real life and I learned a lot making the animations too. So far it has only been shown at festivals and such. I will off course update here when we have a digital release, but until then you can watch the trailer here:
Thank you for following me during this journey.
Stef Gaines