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Intermission: FILM!
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Intermission: FILM!

Dear reader,

I still intend to make at least two more chapters of Quiet ~ Crowd. But while we are waiting for my life to adapt in a manner that allows comic creating once more – me and AHJ Production/Give A Reason Video Entertainment have now made the short film Hjärnspöken / Brain ghosts available to view online!

It’s a short film we made 2020 – 2022, and it contains all main characters from Quiet ~ Crowd. Seeing them come to life was a marvellous experience. The movie itself is a stand alone story but takes place at least after chapter 6 in the Quiet ~ Crowd time frame. Now chapter 6 is playing out during early winter holidays, and the film is taking place during Swedish summer. So just view it as a summer holiday special about social anxiety.

You can watch the whole film on YouTube – [here is the link!]

I would love to read what you think over in the comments.

And have a great summer!

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